b'Remove those you can and drill out those you cant. Cover or caulk all cracks and holes.Install new win-Once the screws are removed, the whole window unit dow against outside blindstop formed by remainingcan be removed and the opening prepared with cap- frame pieces covered by the U cap.ping and/or new blindstop of aluminum/vinyl orwood as described in aluminum window removal.Remaining Steel FrameRecipro SawThe second option is to nail a 1" x 2" around theopening. This wood "blindstop" can be mounted witheither the old steel frame completely removed or leftUnder frequent circumstances, however, old steel intact. If the removal of the old frame creates a dam-windows are too firmly embedded to be removed as aged area larger than the 1" x 2" can cover, a largerdescribed above.The first step, then, is to remove piece of wood can be used. If the opening is complete-the window operating assemblies by unscrewing or ly disrupted, a wood buck or frame of 1" x 4" can becutting with recipro-saw or hacksaw. attached on all four sides and then the 1" x 2" blind-stop affixed. If the wood buck is necessary, don\'tmeasure for the new window until the wood buck is Duct Tape in place.Steel Frame CaulkPre-extrudedshapes or SnapTrim canmake thejob easier.Mount the angle Cappingof the Cappingsnap trimwith poprivet orsnap intoOnce operating assemblies are removed, carefully accessoryremove or tape-protect all glass in the fixed panels. groove tothe top of Using the recipro-saw or hacksaw, cut all remaining window.After placed in opening, mount angle tomuntins and bottom metal frame leaving sides and other sides.top intact to serve as outside blindstops. Cap and caulk additionally as necessary outside, andThere are a couple of ways to create "the blindstop" caulk and/or trim interior as required.to mount the new window against. First is to leave If you remove the whole frame which is embedded inthe old frame intact. Using coil stock, shape a cap the masonry/brick, then you can use F Channelto fit over the old steel frame remaining in the open- effectively to cover the cavity and install the new ing.The U shaped cap (app. 1x1x1) will cover window - anchoring it to the wall.Equally effective isthe frame and hide the old exterior putty or concrete a wood buck surround to cover the cavity, anchoredembedment.Once caulked, the exteriorto the wall which then provides a mounting surfacewill be neat, finished, and weathertight. for the new window.Window Fitters Guide to Window Installation67 2020 AWDI, LLC Do not reproduce without permission'