b'2. Proper Size and SupportRough opening 3/8" (10 mm) min.w w wThe window needs to floatin the opening rather thanHinged Side Hinged Sidebeing anchored to the frameflush. Capture Blocks (neoprene or plastic blockscan be purchased at majorglazing supply companies)a a b b b bare placed approximately 25%of the width in from each side Support Shimon the sill. An additionalCare needs to support is anchored at the be taken with hinge side behind each hinge, shimming. and one support is placed on Do not drive the opposite side of the topshims between hinge, as shown. the window or The rough opening shall have door frame and 3/8 to 5/8 installation gap the opening on all sides. This is larger framing. It can than normally would bedistort the allotted, but both the support window or door blocks and the shims need to unit interfering be accommodated. If the with proper operation. Air bag shims are the best.opening is not square, this They temporarily center the unit in the openinggap dimension will allow the without stress until the anchor clips are installed.new window to be properly Shims can be inserted, if necessary after. Once theleveled and squared. airbag shims are removed, use of expanding foamspray or tape will properly fill and seal the gaps.3. Wood Surround For Mounting While Tilt and Turn products can be mountedFor new construction, the exposed rough framing willdirectly to masonry openings, it is not the desireable suffice. If the opening is a concrete block wall, then amethod because of the difficulty in weather sealing. 2 x 6 wood buck should be installed on all 4 sides.Most all applications will require a wood mounting There are four conditions for most installations: Newsurface. For replacement, the old window should be Wood Frame Construction; New Masonry/Blockremoved down to the rough framing. If that is not Construction; Full Removal Replacement down to thepossible, then a wood surround (buck), a minimum wood framing; and Full Removal with New Woodof 5/4 x 4, needs to be installed on all four sides. Surround.Creating Wood Mounting Framing1. New 2. New BlockConstruction ConstructionRough BuckedOpening Opening3. Leave4. Covering OldRough Opening Opening w/BuckWindow Fitters Guide to Window Installation 1182020 AWDI, LLC Do not reproduce without permission'